Do It Yourself Skunk Removal

The homeowner should always strive to solve the problem themselves first - provided that you take the correct approach. We DO NOT advise the inexperienced homeowner to attempt skunk trapping. We DO advise prevention techniques, such as the removal of whatever on your property is attracting skunks. Bring pet food indoors. Keep garbage can lids sealed shut. Block the entrance to the space under your shed, porch, house, by installing barriers such as lattice, steel mesh, or wooden boards. If skunks are digging, you may be tempted to trap them, but most digging subsides shortly.

AVOID DIY SKUNK TRAPPING: We DO NOT advise the inexperienced homeowner to attempt skunk trapping. Trapping is rarely the answer to solving a skunk problem, and most amateur wildlife trapping attempts go awry and cause stress or even death for wildlife, skunks and otherwise. You may only worry about the risk of being sprayed, but incorrect trapping can lead to the very common problems of injury or death by heat stroke for the animal, along with non-target catches of unintended animals such as stray cats, opossums, and raccoons. Skunk relocation is often unsuccessful for the uninformed as well - animals face a high mortality rate, and cause competition and stress for established animals. Please attempt prevention techniques first, and call a reputable professional if you absolutely require trapping and removal of the animals.

SKUNK PREVENTION & EXCLUSION: Skunks commonly set up a den under buildings, the most common of which are elevated homes, porches, sheds, decks, and even other architectural features like heating units. It is essential that the entire family is removed, and often part of the process involves blocking all entry/exit to the structure, and funneling the skunks out into a single trap or exclusion device. The most important step in the process, not just for skunks but for many species of wildlife that can live under your building, from groundhogs to raccoons to stray cats, is to install an exclusion barrier around the perimeter of the structure. Because many animals can burrow, you should dig a trench around the structure, and install a heavy steel mesh into the ground and bending outward, which the animals are unable to dig under. You can buy this at any hardware store, such as Home Depot. Affix the steel mesh to the structure with screws and washers, and you can add lattice work for visual appeal, to keep skunks out permanently.

OTHER SKUNK PROBLEMS: Skunks often end up stuck in areas such as window wells or basements, which they can fall down, or inside garbage cans, or other areas. You can safely remove the animals without them spraying by placing a wooden board down the window well for them to climb out of. Or you can gently tip over a garbag can they are stuck inside. In the event that a skunk has already sprayed under your house, or even some other place, such as your car, it is a difficult situation. The best way to remove skunk odor is to use the proven recipe of mixing baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap, and treating the smelly area. But under a house this is very hard! If you need dead skunk removal - often these animals will die under your structure, and the odor is very powerful - you just need to put on a mask and gloves and a garbage bag and get down and dirty and remove the animal! You might also want to install fencing of gardens, keeping pet food indoors, and other preventative techniques.