Denver Skunk Removal Resources

Skunk Rehabber - Urban Wildlife Rescue: (303) 340-4911

Free Denver County Animal Services: 720-337-1800

Humane Wildlife Trappers of Denver: 720-259-3806

If you need skunk control in Denver, you have a few options. First, you can attempt to solve the skunk problem yourself by reading our do-it-yourself guide. If you need outside help, you can also call Denver County Animal Services to see if they have any free resources or help for you - however, they primarily deal with dog and cat concerns. You can also call a local Denver wildlife rehabber, as they are typically a great resource for advice that is in the best welfare of the animal. If as a last resort you must hire a professional company, we recommend Humane Wildlife Trappers of Denver at 720-259-3806. To learn more about them or check their skunk removal prices, visit

In many cases, preventative measures can solve your Denver skunk problem - keep garbage secured, pet food indoors, and most of all when it comes to skunks, secure the perimeter of your shed, porch, deck, or house with a barrier - lattice or steel mesh is good, and it keeps Colorado skunks from going under the structure. If trapping and removal of the skunk is the only option you have, please do so with the help of a local agency or professional company who knows how to do it humanely and legally. Browse the resources of this site for more educational information.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Prevention: How to Keep Skunks Away
What to do with a skunk after I catch it?
Is it legal for me to trap a skunk?
How to remove skunk odor
Is a skunk active during the daytime rabid?
What does skunk feces look like?

Denver Skunk Control Information: Do mothballs or ammonia help repel skunks

Skunks can be your worst nightmare if their activity in your property is not checked properly. They introduce horrible smell, destroy your yard and will inhabit your shed or deck making it smelly and unhygienic. The nature of skunks is defensive so at the time of need they never hesitate and issue irritating smell so it is suggested that you should always take necessary steps for solving the skunk problem and never allow the animals to settle down in your property. Generally skunks are attracted towards a house or property because they find sources of food there. It you will take some precautions and make your property unappealing, then skunks will not prefer visiting it in the first place.

For skunk and all wildlife removal in Denver, visit Denver Pest Animal website to learn more.

The use of repellents for driving away skunks from a property is very common. However, the important question in this regard is do mothballs or ammonia help repel skunks? Mothballs and ammonia are extensively used for repelling skunks and in the market are sold with very high claims. But truth is that both of these agents don't provide the results that you expect from them. In majority of situations they don't work and worst part is that these can impose danger to children and pets. Therefore it is better to get a wise approach and don't use chemicals at all.

Frankly speaking the best way to repel skunks is to make your property unattractive for them. They will simply not like the idea of visiting a place that is not offering them any kind of benefits. Clean your yard, don't leave the garbage cans open, use bright light, abolish all entry points and eliminate all possible food sources. This will be helpful in keeping skunks away and your problems will be solved in a convincing way.

If you have a dog, then use it for your defense. Skunks are scared of the smell of dog's urine as they sense predator activity through it. It is obvious that skunks will be scared and will not come near the area that has predators. In case you don't have a dog, then use coyote urine it can also provide decent results. In the end it should be mentioned here that use of repellents is not going to provide you great results therefore it is better to seek other techniques. In case the situation gets out of control or unmanageable then call wildlife experts to your assistance.

Remember, for free services you can try (303) 340-4911 or 720-337-1800, but if you need to pay for professional help, check the prices at the website. Or follow our do-it-yourself guide!